
Honor, over and over in my heart the Holy Spirit has been talking to about honor in this season. To not only see people but individually love them well and with great Honor. I believe as we see God’s character in greater detail through His Word and relationship. It also shapes how we perceive His people and our hearts towards them.

Ask the Father who He wants to reveal to you today and who He is calling you to show love to as you walk in the honor only a child of the King can walk! This is how we display Kingdom living and here and now! 

1 comment

Unknown said...

Thanks for taking time, to make all this available for everyone. I am from Austria and was asking myself,how can I reach out to my neighborhood. I am living in the country and everybody has everything, but not Jesus!!!
Your testimony is encouraging. God has some special work for me to do ahead. I have a great testimony, but up to now nobody pais much attention to it.
But the time will come.
I attended the Healing is Here conference 2020 online. So I got your message. Thanks
