I know without a doubt that Jesus is the way out, through, and forward. I want no other options or opinions. Father, I choose you. Have your way in me.
Psalms 86:11 tpt
Teach me more about you, how you work and how you move,
so that I can walk onward in your truth
until everything within me brings honor to your name.
Remember, it is written.
1 John 4:4
“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”
That also includes you. God is greater than you. You are feeling frozen and discouraged because you are looking at the wrong person to complete this task. He is in you and before you beside you and all around you. Go!!!!
I feel a spirit of heaviness trying to settle on hearts and minds tonight. Don’t walk but run to your Jesus! He is our shelter, our provider, the Prince of Peace, and the keeper of our hearts. He is faithful and His faithfulness will be evident in this country and our World. Run! He has peace for you.
I Can't
I can’t. I just can’t. To walk in grace and be a worthy representative of Jesus at every moment is beyond me. But here is the good news. As I turn in a relationship daily to my King. As I read and allow the Holy Spirit to remind me of God's Word. My mind is renewed and I am changed from within effortlessly. I will never be a perfect performer but I will display the life of a child well love and lead by Peace and Grace. The world doesn't need actors. They need redeemed and loved humans living in front of them!
Don't Give Up
He Delights in Victory!
Good News
To Those Schooling at Home
Lord, We celebrate your mighty goodness! We will not be overtaken.
What the World Needs
Keep your eyes fixed on Him. He is our victory.
He is our peace and worthy of our undivided praise!
It is time to watch for Him at every turn. Our God is faithful!!!
Show Me Your Ways
one who is Truth.
It is the only way not
to be deceived or
become weary.
I firmly place my Hope
in you, Father.
Show me your ways!
The Only Way
Let Us Praise Him
One of our greatest weapons is praise. We choose to remember the past faithfulness of the God we serve. We choose to sing of His goodness instead of settling into fear. As we zoom in our focus to the one who is Peace. He is magnified, and lies of despair and hopelessness have no place to stand. Magnify the Lord with me, friends! He is worthy of our Praise and inhabits the praises of His people! Let’s praise Him together!
Go and read Psalm 34!!!
I will Sustain You
The one who has always been faithful will remain. He will still be my friend and the one who defends my life until I am fully satisfied in years.
I settle my heart on the one who has proven himself time and again. You will sustain me.
Thank you for being my very source of life, Father.
What Is My Part
Don't Give Up
This picture was taken while I was deep into labor with my second child. I can vividly remember the exhaustion and the assurance that I could, and I would deliver her. I had done this before, and I knew for certain that I was made for this. Yes, it hurt a lot, yes labor lasted longer then I thought I could bear but, she came. We were both healthy had months of stretching and growing and get us both ready for birth.
You may be in the long stretch of waiting for the promised life to come. With every breath, your aching and stretching may be screaming at you. Remember, you were made for this. You have been here before with another promise, and it was delivered. You may feel this has taken too long, but just wait. Beauty is coming, and you will hold it in both hands! Press on. Life is coming!!!
Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.