Monday Morning

Good morning guys! It has already been a full Monday in our house. Nothing big going on just the start of a new week and the list of things I saved for "Future Niki". It started with making coffee for my sweetie, quiet time, breakfast for kiddos, animals to feed and dished to clean. Then I got to cut my son's hair with the new clippers I am getting used to and bathing both kids. I stood in my shower taking a deep breath having accomplished much in the last three hours. Then I heard the Father's voice. Do you know what scripture He had to share or great spiritual reflection He had for me?
He had none of the above. Instead, He said the very thing I needed to hear. He said, " You did great on Zachary's haircut!" That is a good friend!
This spirit-filled life isn't all meditation and worship music. It looks like your best friend being the creator of all things and meeting you in real life.
I encourage you to listen as He talks to you about your errands or your dog or how great your new shirt looks on you. We are in a real living relationship, and it is beautiful!!!


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing this too! I feel like I am on full tilt all the time...asking, looking, searching. I am very weary. I have been on dialysis for 24 years. I have been learning about God's grace and healing. Searching, seeking...on ALL the time. I don't always hear because I am still learning to recognize HIs voice even after all this time. But when I don't hear, I kind of feel like nothing. Like maybe I don't have relationship when I need help so desperately and want to just be ok and well. So, thank you for sharing that it is not all spiritual all the time!

Saint said...

My name is Saint.